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by : BTF
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

RPP Speaking

RPP speaking Transaksional 1 kelas X SMA semester 1
Download here : Lesson Plan / Student Worksheet

Listening kelas X SMA semester 1, transaksional 1

dialogue transaksional 1 kelas X semester 1tu
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1 Hit Hunting House With Fiddler | Ninja Saga

Tools :

Step :

1. Download dulu Fiddler
2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan

Cara Membersihkan chace :

- Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
- Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Cheat HairStyle With Fiddler | Ninja Saga

Peralatan :
Caranya :
  1. Download dulu fiddler
  2. Kemudian Install Fiddler
  3. Baru jalankan Fiddler
  4. Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
  5. Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
  6. Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
  7. Masuk ke Ninja Saga
  8. Setelah itu bersihkan chace
  9. Baru pilih karakter yang akan kamu mainkan
Cara Menghapus chace :
  • Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
  • Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
Cara Pemakaiannya :
Kalian harus membuat char baru untuk mendapatkan Hair yang di inginkan. Lalu pilih hair yang kalian inginkan. Setelah itu pilih create, nanti akan terjadi error, biarkan saja. Tutup/Close fiddler kalian, lalu refresh browser anda. Setelah itu masuk lagi, dan kalian sekarang memiliki hair yang kalian inginkan.


Definition :
description is used to describe a particular thing/object, place, or person. For example: my cat, my bike, my favorite room in the house, the wildest amazon river, my favorite actor

Generic Structure :
  • Identification (Pengenalan Subject) : Identifies Phenomenon To Be Described
  • Description : Describes Parts (Ciri-Ciri Subject, Physical Appearance), Qualities, General Attitude, Characteristics
Language Feature :
Language features use certain noun: teacher, house, my cat. Use of simple present tense use of attributive and epithets (e.g. Adjectives) detail noun phrase to give information about subject, for example: it was a large open rowboat, a sweet young lady, etc

Example of Deascriptive text "University of Nusantara PGRI " : download here


Procedure is used to inform and to direct someone on how to do or make something, or how to achieve a goal a very important genre in a society because it enables people to get things done Is commonly used in the oral and written mode Examples: recipes, games rules, appliance manuals, directions to reach a destination, instructions to do something.

Generic Structure :
  • goal :purpose of doing something
  • materials : things needed to realize goal
  • steps : things to do to realize goal

Language features of procedure :
language features of procedure generalized participants (things/objects) the reader or the person following the instructions is referred to in a general way (one/you) or is not mentioned (pour the boiling water into a bowl) temporal sequence/adverbial of time (first, at the beginning, then, next, finally) simple present tense (i.e. imperatives) action verbs/material processes (go, hold, take, spread).

Example of spoof text "How to make Popcorn crunch" : download here
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